Over the years, seat-belts are said to have saved thousands of lives that might have been lost in collisions. Over time, many countries adapted mandatory seat-belt regulations. The air-bag has the same concept of a seat-belt; to protect you from a collision. It is a soft pillow to land on. In the US, all car models from the year 1998 have to have air-bags, both on driver's and passenger's side.
All the toys that are for the EU market must all carry the CE conformity mark. This is the declaration from the manufacturer that the toy satisfies all safety regulations. Toys that bear the CE mark get free circulation around the European Economic Area. On the 30th June of 2009, a new toy safety directive was published. This gave customers assurance that the toys that are being sold in the EU have the highest safety regulations all around the world. (Especially those related to the use of chemical substances).
not mentioned. (2004-2014) Available: http://www.creativepondcovers.co.uk/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=58. Last accessed 20th january 2014.
European Union. (1995-2014). Ensuring toy safety for consumers.Available: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/toys/safety/index_en.htm. Last accessed 20th january 2014.
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